Authentic Āyurvedic treatments balance doṣas in the body and encourage the appropriate flow of prāṇa. They support the body and mind in healing from trauma and injuries as well as to clear chronic issues.
Āyurveda has the most sophisticated, complex and powerful herbal Medicated oils of any natural healing traditioN. at nourish living art, our herbal oils are more potent and far superior to simple sesame, coconut or sunflower oils that are often used in treatments. Numerous cultivated and wild Gathered Herbal Medicines are cooked in an oil base, following ancient formulations, Prepared with chanting of sacred mantra, in India.
Nourish Living Art programs generally begin with weekly treatments of Abhyanga. Herbal oils are specifically chosen and intelligently applied to the entire body to bring balance to your unique constitution. This is not a massage. It is a deeply healing traditional treatment that works with prāṇa (your life force) and results in an opening and clearing of the body channels, so that you may experience optimal well being. Included in this 2-hour treatment is nasya (herbal oil applied to the nose to bring clarity to the mind), a full body svedana (herbal steam), and shower.
Abhyanga deeply nourishes the body, mind and consciousness; promotes clarity of mind; balances doṣas & clears śrotas (channels) of toxins so disease can’t enter body; moves you away from the causes of suffering; reduces stress and calms the nervous system; reduces muscles stiffness; improves skin health, tone, color & luster; brings tone and vigor to the body tissues; beautifies by allowing your light to shine brighter; improves lymphatic drainage; promotes longevity, youthfulness & graceful aging; increases energy and alertness; increases physical strength; improves sleep patterns; improve circulation; increases (ojas) immunity and vitality; balances digestion and elimination; promotes healthy vision; balances hormones & neurotransmitters; nurtures & supports positive feelings & emotions. At minimum 3 - 6 sessions are recommended.
2-HOUR SESSION $225, 6 sessions $1230
This balancing treatment for vāta related issues is beneficial for reducing anxiety, depression, the effects of stress, head trauma, insomnia and other psychosomatic issues. Warm oil gently flows continuously across the forehead while directly and immediately calming, relaxing, and cleansing the mind and relaxing the entire body. In this deep stillness, the nervous system releases any stress or strain that inhibits the flow of peace into every cell of the body. At least 3 consecutive sessions are recommended.
3 consecutive 1-hour Sessions $425
Basti External
Healing for Injuries of the neck, back & knees
The external application of heated herbal oils onto the body in a specific area of old or chronic injury. The warm oil is allowed to be deeply absorbed by the body. Basti, being both vāta and pitta doṣa balancing, can assist with healing injuries of the neck, back and knees.
3 45-min. Sessions Every Other Day $375
Basti Internal
The internal application of warmed herbed oils and/or decoctions to balance vāta and pitta doṣas. Can be used to deeply nourish; detoxify; improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients; improve vaginal health; heal sexual trauma; balance hormones; reduce menopause and PMS symptoms; heal vaginal imbalances; clear osteoporosis.
Various Pricing depending on protocol
Marma Therapy
Marmani are junctures in the body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints; here either health or disease will flourish. These vital energy points affect the mind, body and spirit. Marma Therapy works with prāṇa (your life force) by stimulating particular points with pressure, subltle vibration and essential oils to relieve chronic and acute pain; alleviate blockages; detoxify; improve organ function, immunity, digestion, respiration; balance neurochemicals for improved cognitive function, emotional health and sleep; enhance awareness; and balance doṣas. Marma Therapy is profound and can create dramatic shifts in the body-mind complex, allowing access to higher realms of consciousness from which you can move into greater self-care, joy, creativity, and renewed energy.
1-hour session $125
Pinda Svedana
Healing for injuries
This treatment supports the body in healing recent or old injuries of the muscle, ligament, joint, or bone. In this treatment herbal oils, cloth boluses of herbs and heat are used to relieve the injury trauma, inflammation and bodies protection response, which in turn instigates the body to heal itself. Pinda Svedena promotes healing of chronic or overuse injuries, arthritis, joint pain or stiffness, muscle tension, pulls or strains, broken bones, scar tissue, constipation, thyroid issues, TMJ, acute or old injuries. It can reduce recovery time and potential long term effects of injury. At least 3 sessions are recommended for new injuries to the soft tissue. More sessions may be called for for chronic, old or injuries to bone or large joints.