Everything is interconnected.
Nothing is separate from anything else.
Āyurveda is composed of the root words āyuh, meaning life and veda, meaning knowledge. Therefore, Āyurveda is the the knowledge of life and longevity or the art of living. India gave birth to Āyurveda over 5,000 years ago. It is a holistic approach to health that includes every aspect of life, where mind, body and spirit are considered to be an integrated whole.
Health is being established in Self.
Health is ‘svastha’ in Sanskrit. ‘Sva’, meaning self and ‘stha’, established. Āyurveda understands that disease is due to a dysfunction in the inner process of the body and mind. It is a disassociation within the whole system. In Āyurveda, health is more than the absence of disease, it is the whole reason of living, because without health you cannot enjoy or pursue the goals of your life. Āyurveda is a way of life, a way of learning how to cooperate with Nature and live in harmony with Her. Āyurveda works slowly, slowness is often part of the remedy, especially today with many of us suffering from the disease of busyness.
The entire cosmos is an interplay of the energies of the five elements - ether, air, fire, water, earth.
Āyurveda groups the five elements into three functional principles that are present in everybody and everything, called doṣas. Doṣa is organization. The three doṣas are vāta, pitta, and kapha. As long as the doṣas are balanced in quality and quantity, they maintain a harmonious psychophysiology. The moment they go out of balance, they disturb the dhātus, tissues, and the function of the body and mind.
Composed of ether and air, the energy of movement. Governs breathing, blinking, muscle and tissue movement, pulsation of the heart and all movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes. In balance, vāta promotes creativity and flexibility. Out of balance, vāta produces fear, anxiety and abnormal movements.
Composed of fire and water, the energy of transformation, digestion and metabolism. Governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature. In balance, pitta promotes understanding and intelligence. Out of balance, pitta arouses anger, hatred, jealousy, and inflammatory disorders.
Composed of earth and water, the energy of lubrication and structure. Provides the ‘glue’ that holds cells together and supplies the water for all parts and systems. Lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin and maintains immunity. In balance, kapha is expressed as love, calmness, and forgiveness. Out of balance, it leads to attachment, greed, possessiveness and congestive disorders.
Which doṣas are imbalanced in me?
For a more in-depth analysis
We aren’t ‘what we eat,’ we are what we digest.
Agni, fire, governs all transformation. Its primary functions are digestion, absorption, assimilation, and the transformation of food and sensory input into energy. Agni is the main source of life. Without it life is not possible. If you support agni you will maintain perfect health. If agni is in optimal condition, the immune system is healthy and a long healthy life is inevitable.
How can I support good digestion?
For A custom protocol to improve your digestion
Āyurvedic cleansing balances and reconnects us to our heart’s truth.
Āyurvedic has one of the most ancient yet sophisticated, simple and effective ways to cleanse the tissues, channels, emotions, patterns, and ruts that impede your soul’s passage. When we cleanse, we rekindle our digestive capacity and function. We optimize our metabolic function and hormonal processes. Cleansing removes fatigue, relieves worry and fear, gives clarity, purpose, ease and renewal. The optimal times of year to cleanse are Spring and Fall.
The Āyurvedic approach to cleansing is unique and more effective than many other methods of detoxification available today because it is 100% natural and totally personalized to your unique needs.
Cleansing, the Āyurvedic way, is a balanced and customized approach to detoxification that emphasizes nourishment over depletion and deprivation. Based on the wisdom of this holistic healing science, an Āyurvedic cleanse focuses on eliminating toxins (called ama) and excess doshas, from the body. This is done through diet and lifestyle modifications, herbs and Āyurvedic treatments. By taking yourself through this process, you will not only replenish your body and mind, but also restore your body’s natural wisdom. The result is more effective cleansing that targets the root cause of your imbalances, leading to longer lasting healing. This is a distinct experience from many modern cleansing options, which can cause imbalance or depletion in the body. Spring is an ideal time to cleanse.
How do you know you need to cleanse?
A thick white coating on your tongue
Fatigue, or a sense of stagnant, dull energy
Feeling of heaviness in the body and mind
Brain fog or an inability to think clearly
Foul smelling gas or burps
Frequent bad breath or a bad taste in mouth
Indigestion and often a low appetite or nausea
Constipation or diarrhea
Low libido and/or sexual debility
Body aches or stiffness
Skin issues such as rashes, acne or dryness
Cravings for sugar or processed carbohydrates
Overall feeling of uncleanliness
Something just feels off
My next in person group Spring Cleanse is March 9 - 30, 2025 at Blue Mango Yoga in Haiku, Maui.
Your program includes:
an individual Āyurvedic consultation (30 min.)
3 informational meetings: Sundays 3/9, 3/16, 3/23 11:30a-1p
Āyurvedic Spring Cleanse Manual
custom lifestyle, diet + exercise plan
all essential herbs + food for 3-5 day mono diet (there may be other herbs recommended that are not included)
email/text support
I also offer virtual or in person custom cleanses, scheduled at anytime. Spring and fall are best. Email me.