Āyurveda is an ‘ayur vidya’, a living wisdom, that eliminates disease, promotes health & joy. This living wisdom is an invitation into a relationship with Nature. It is thru this relationship that we find guidance and inspiration on the path of healing.

Are you ready to Live Nourished?


Āyurvedic Consultation $195

We will start our work together, online or in person, getting to know elements of your past and present condition of body + mind in detail. We will meet again the following week where we will identify modifications of lifestyle, diet and herbal formulas that will have the greatest immediate impact. I will also propose a customized Nourish Living Art Program, generally 6 weeks to 6 months depending on your healing goals + resources. The program will address your agni (digestive fire), balancing doṣas and cleansing ama (metabolic toxins) from the digestive track and tissues. It may include weekly Āyurvedic Treatments, an herb protocol, yoga/mediation, mantra/sound based treatments. Consultation Includes: 1 1-hour initial consultation, a customized program + 1 45-minute follow-up consultation.


Balance and health are not a static state. We enter into a relationship, a moment to moment communication with the body, mind, and spirit. We get to know tendencies and patterns and then learn how to consistently move in the direction of harmony and health.

Thru consultation, together, we learn how to recognize when and how we stray from harmony and how to move along the path of healing.


Follow-up Consultation Package

3 45-minute sessions $225

Monthly sessions recommended


Food Consultation $150

This is for those looking specifically for an assessment of their diet. Digestion is the root cause and cure to many diseases. Āyurvedic saying ‘If the food is poor, medicine is of no use; if the food is good, medicine is of no need.’ This 1-hour consultation will specifically look at your diet and address what foods and habits around food will best support your agni (digestive fire), balance your doṣas and inspire a harmonious relationship with food. We will address the practical and the emotional components of diet so that you may be deeply nourished.


We will address what shows up in the moment.

When you allow for a change in your diet or lifestyle, take an herb or have a treatment, we will listen to how the body and mind respond and then act from there. Together, we become Āyurvedic detectives, decoding the at first seemingly mysterious language of the body and mind.


Yoga Consultation $150

This is for those specifically looking for guidance with developing a home practice of Yoga. In this 1-hour consultation, we will determine appropriate yoga postures, prāṇāyāma (breath expansion practices), meditation and/or mantra to assist in gaining more freedom and a deeper knowing of who you truly are. We will keep in mind balancing your doṣas and caring for your digestive fire to assist this process. You will leave with a daily sādhana practice designed specifically for you.